The Natives Inc. is open for Wholesale customers Monday through Friday from 8:00AM till 4:00 PM. Lunch from 11:30 - 12PM. Call or email for availability.
Wholesale: licensed professionals in or connected to the landscape or restoration industry.
We are open for Retail sales Thursday's from 8:00 AM till 3:00 PM. Lunch from 11:30- 12 pm.
If you need to come on another day, call ahead for appointment for
Monday, Tuesday, or Friday.

Nursery Location: 1617 Champagne Road
Davenport, Florida 33837
Mailing Adress: P.O. Box 946
Davenport, Florida 33836
We are a wholesale / retail Florida Native Plant Nursery

All Sales will be from our Nursery location at:
1617 Champagne Road
Davenport FL 33837
Call us: (863) 422-6664
Email us: natives@gate.net